Today, I am grateful for
1. The sweetest email from a friend who volunteered to "peacemake" in a group to help someone. Its so wonderful to know someone who would do such a thing. The email he sent me contained insight about an issue I've dealt with forever, people being afraid of me. Now, I know why and it is much sweeter than I had thought.
2. My son, after seeing the above picture and listening to the song I heard last at 16 or so, saying "There's Mama." My jaw dropped! (Sweetie, I wish. But maybe there is an ideal of how face proportions match up? Eyes to nose to chin ratio?) It sure was sweet.
3. Stephen surprising me with take-out Mexican. It was GOOD. How thoughtful is that :)
4. Dancing to old-school music and still being able to move like a liquid (ha)
5. Starting the finishing touches on a painting that means very much, which will be traded for a painting from a friend that means very much.