On the way "home" (forward motion), someone (who had no idea of the preciousness of the cargo inside and was only acting out of his own feelings- unaware and oblivious to their importance) was trying to run the car off the road. He was ramming our car and otherwise being dangerous. Without a second thought, I got out of the car (and it was an old one) and said, "I will NOT allow you to hurt them." I let the person know I would stop at nothing to protect them, not out of malice, but out of love. If it meant an ultimate sacrifice, I would do so without hesitation.
(Somehow I knew he wasn't supposed to be there, on the road and going in that direction because he was impaired. Don't ask me how I know that, it was one of those "knowing things". I was also protecting other people on the road, so I took his keys, car, etc.) We left him there secure knowing that everyone was safe until he gained his "senses". Which somehow I knew he would and then he would be ok.
So, after running him off, at home, the twins started to become clear. It was a gift they had, they were unveiling themselves and their magnificence. They let me see them through my skin that looked like a transparent and translucent veil. I asked others if they saw them, too... "Are you SEEING this??!" and they all said "no". I said that I could tell it was a boy and a girl. They said, "Stop showing off, we know you know things." ??? What is that supposed to mean? LOL
Anyway, their beauty hit me with such a force of awe, humility and gratitude. I said, "Oh my God, they are so beautiful, I can't believe you can't see this. I wish you could see what I'm seeing". Their hair shown like gold lit up from inside, their eyes were clear. Angels fit the description, but they weren't angels. Somehow, I was gifted with the knowledge that they are what we are before we have to be clothed/prepared to come into the world. I realized this was something special they allowed me to know.
Then everything around the 3 of us in the background fell away... there was nothing else but the two there inside the safety of me and me, outside of myself looking at them. I think they realized, for lack of a better description, I had passed an important milestone that had proven to them their importance to me and I was allowed to know the full scope of their significance. By protecting them, this brought them security to reveal who and what they actually were.
I was in front of them, their heads, face to face at 3/4 pose as they looked at me sweetly, knowingly and with recognition, were in the shape of a heart with their bodies going down forming the lower point of the heart. On the left of them was a chunk of wood that looked suspiciously like a chunk of ivy
Blown away, I started to ask them questions "How am I doing this???" and with a purity and an innocence I can't describe, they said, "Because you can." I asked "Why am I doing this?" (What is the purpose?) They answered sweetly, "Because you are supposed to." They imparted that the questions and answers had two meanings: this is what I was meant to do, see what can't be seen. Back to the first question, they imparted that double meaning, in that the answer had as much to do with the other things I know without knowing how.
I can't call them babies because they were waaaay too wise, knowing everything with an impartiality and absolutely NO fear. They could speak with their souls, and that is what they were. They told me they were twins, soul mates.
They have been together eternally in one form or another- it was this way yesterday, today and will be again. They also imparted that their wisdom was also eternal, they were aware of literally everything- past, present and future. Accidents have happened and they do get separated, but when they are separated, they don't judge, yet bide their time until they are reunited. It has always been this way and will continue to be. What they had was beyond love, it doesn't have a name, so we call it "soul mate", which means Twin Souls.
They told me without words that two things are coming, but didn't tell me what. One had to do with wood on the left of the mental image (our business?) and the other is the culmination of the pregnancy (which is two entities in the security of an enclosed space, the womb is symbolic of the relationship.)
So, I guess I couldn't physically take anymore. I woke up shaking, literally. I rubbed my hands over my face and every part of me was hot. My hands are almost always cold, as are my feet, but they were burning up. I think that is from their energy. Somehow, still in that open space, more information came in and I knew that only some people's psyches can tolerate knowing things and that is why not all of us can be clairvoyant. I think it has to do with judgement and fear. If we can grow past that, we are open. I also "found out" that experiencing the purity of our own souls and where we come from is almost intolerable to our physical bodies. It has a profound physical effect that we cannot contain. Its not an ignorance we're given because of malice, it is a protective measure.
It felt like I couldn't contain this energy I'd absorbed, like being shocked by electricity, my heart was pounding so hard I swear the sheets and my shirt was moving with the rhythm. I held my hand out to take note of the shaking while trying to get my bearings and debate whether or not I should come tell you... you needed your sleep, but I also wanted you to be part of this experience with me. When I felt it was safe enough to get up and move, I got a beta blocker to grab the reigns of my heart and you woke up, so I told you But I could only tell you a little because it hadn't sunk in, I was still in shock. So, this was the rest of it
Wow. This is the most significant and profound dream I've ever had.